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IPTC 2025 Energy Education University Student Programme

Nominators and Applicants should be a member of one of the four societies, AAPG, EAGE, SEG or SPE

For Nominators

Please click here to start the process for a new Nomination

  • To complete a Nomination you have already started (see links at left)
    • Click Incomplete
    • Locate the appropriate Nomination 
    • Click "edit" to complete and submit before the deadline

For Nominees

Please click here to start the process for a new Student Application 
Note:  Enter Program Password when prompted

  • To complete a Student Application you have already started (see links at left)
    • Click Incomplete
    • Locate your Student Application
    • Click "edit" to complete and submit before the deadline

For Judges

To review Student Applicants (see links at left)

  • Login to System
  • Click My Judging Assignments
  • Navigate to Program
  • Click Open
  • Review Student Applications assigned to you

To Exit

Click here or use logout link at left


Contact IPTC Staff at  Dev_Activities@iptcnet.org